• haki


i whakapumautia i te tau 2007 me te upoko i Beijing

Ko ahau, he hinonga whakangao-a-tau 14-tau-tau, he tohunga motuhake i nga papa me nga toronga. I roto i nga tau kua hipa, na to tautoko, kua kitea e au nga huihuinga marena mo te tini hou. Because of your favor, I have met and made dinner with excellent and beautiful people. Because of your trust, I have enjoyed several wonderful western cultural festivals. I felt I traveled around the world as the time goes by. Ka kati ki te puawai cherry me te awhi i a Kyoto, ka toro atu ki te moana i Panama me te patu e rua-mita-teitei 1 "me te tirotiro i te nui o te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa. Yes, making event furniture for people all over the world is did what I've been doing over the past 14 years.